Health Tips

Men’s Health Is Not Just a Man’s Issue

June is Men’s Health Month, an opportunity for the men in our lives to make their overall health and wellbeing a top priority, learn about preventable health issues and realize the importance of early detection and treatment of disease. Men’s health is an issue that affects more than the male population alone.

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Hello, Spring, Where’s My Sunscreen?

With May comes beautiful warm weather that makes spending time outdoors enjoyable. There is a hint of summer on the horizon, excitement over Memorial Day plans and delight in breaking out shorts and skirts. However, while partaking in outdoor activities and getting your fix of Vitamin D from the sun’s rays, it is essential to take steps to protect your skin.

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Think Pink All Year Long

The pink ribbon is a widely known symbol of awareness and support of women in all stages of their journey with breast cancer. With a diagnosis rate as high as 1 in every 8 women, breast cancer touches lives every day, both of those diagnosed as well as the lives of friends and family members. Whether you or a loved one is undergoing treatment, celebrating remission or remembering the life of another, a pink ribbon shows undeniable support for the cause.

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Stay Connected to Our Specialists on Facebook

Each month on our Facebook page, we provide fans with regular health tips, updates on our activities in the Triad and the opportunity to get to know our //physicians. Our Specialist Spotlight features a selected GI radiologist or staff member once per month, which allows the community to become familiar with the compassionate and knowledgeable experts who provide cutting-edge care to our patients each day.

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Our Image of Imaging

As the Triad’s premier provider of outpatient diagnostic imaging, Greensboro Imaging is committed to educating local residents about their health and the role imaging plays. Most people strongly believe medical imaging allows for more accurate treatment decisions. However, many people are unclear about when and why they need imaging, and there are misperceptions about who interprets images, who the doctors are and where test results are analyzed.

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