Health Tips

Five Ways to Stay Active in the Triad

Physical activity is good for your health. It helps control weight, boost energy levels and reduce the chance of health conditions like cardiovascular disease and even breast cancer. Here in the Piedmont Triad, our central location and mild climate encourage outdoor activity almost year-round. Check out these local suggestions to get outside and stay healthy:

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Virtual Colonoscopy or Traditional Colonoscopy?

Science is making it easier for us to take preventive measures in managing our health. But that means we have to be proactive in scheduling preventive screenings when we feel perfectly healthy with no known symptoms. This is especially true when it comes to colon cancer. When caught at an early stage, colon cancer is a preventable and highly treatable cancer.

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Five Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Heart

The average American adult’s heart is seven years older than it should be.1 Years of unhealthy lifestyle choices can age hearts prematurely and leave them vulnerable to serious heart conditions. American Heart Month is the perfect time to begin implementing small changes to your everyday routine to reduce your chance of heart disease and keep your heart healthy.

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Three Smart Ways to Stop Cervical Cancer

Too many women don’t talk about cervical cancer. They don’t know that it used to be one of the highest causes of cancer deaths among American women. Or that just by following some basic recommendations, they can drastically reduce their risk of getting it. In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, we want to educate families in our community about preventive cervical care.

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The Top Four Health Screenings to Consider in 2019

How long has it been since you saw your family doctor? When was your last mammogram? Too often, basic preventive health measures are delayed for “more important” things. But according to the CDC, if everyone in the U.S. received the recommended clinical preventive care, more than 100,000 lives could be saved each year. Consider the following regular screenings to help your physicians detect health issues in their earliest stages:

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Saving Lives and Supporting Families through Breast Cancer Education

October is the month of pink. Families walk and race in pink. Athletes take the field in pink. And pink ribbons adorn cars and shirt collars. Breast Cancer Awareness Month unites people worldwide to promote breast cancer education, research and early screening. Because almost all of us know someone who has been impacted by this life-threatening disease—and early detection can save lives in our community.

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Pink in the Park Kicks off Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer touches families in our community every day. The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 260,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year alone. Pink in the Park is a free event created to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the Triad and support all the women, family members and friends who have been affected.

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What Can You Do for Women’s Health?

Too often, women spend so much time and energy protecting family members from getting sick that they forget to pay attention to their own health. Women’s bodies put them at risk for unique health problems, and even issues that can affect both men and women often impact women differently or more severely.

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Raising Awareness for Sarcoma: The Forgotten Cancer

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month. According to the Sarcoma Foundation of America, sarcoma is often considered “the forgotten cancer” due to the public’s lack of understanding and awareness of the disease. At DRI Greensboro Imaging, we want to help educate Triad residents about this rare form of cancer and promote advocacy in our community.

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