Our centers are accredited by the American College of Radiology.
The Breast Center of Greensboro Imaging is dedicated to women’s health. Our flagship location at 1002 N. Church Street in Greensboro has been designated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. This recognition proves The Breast Center of Greensboro Imaging is one of the best and most patient-focused in the region, as the center has obtained accreditation in all voluntary breast imaging modalities offered.

The Breast Center of Greensboro Imaging is a designated Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the ACR.
In 2007, the flagship location also received a perfect score on the federally mandated Mammography Quality Standards Act. Such an achievement is extremely rare in the industry.

We participate in the American College of Radiology (ACR) Dose Index Registry® (DIR®).
The DIR is part of the ACR National Radiology Data Registry (NRDR™), which leads the effort in developing benchmarks and comparisons to help imaging facilities improve quality of patient care. The ACR NRDR provides regular feedback, which we use to gauge how dose-reduction measures work over time. The data enables us to optimize the radiation dose patients receive from CT scans.