Staying Ahead of Colon Cancer with Screenings
Let’s take a quiz. Are you an adult over the age of 50? If so, have you had a colonoscopy in the last 10 years? If the answer is no, it’s time to schedule one. Although Colon Cancer Awareness Month is coming to an end, preventive screenings should be top of mind all year long.
Colon cancer is the fourth most common cancer for adults in the United States, affecting both men and women equally according to the National Cancer Institute. The good news is that when it’s found early, colon cancer is highly treatable.
At Greensboro Imaging, we go a step above traditional screenings to offer virtual colonoscopies. But what exactly is a virtual colonoscopy? Virtual colonoscopy is a non-invasive way to detect colon issues such as polyps and cancer. This American Cancer Society-recommended screening exam was recently given an “A” rating by the US Preventive Services Task Force—recognizing the procedure as an alternative to traditional colonoscopies in detection of colon abnormalities.
During the virtual screening, the patient lies comfortably on their back while several CT images of the abdomen are taken and translated into a 3D image of the colon. Unlike traditional colonoscopies, virtual colonoscopies require no sedation or recovery time. The procedure only takes about 15–30 minutes, and patients can get right back to their normal activities. Because sedation is necessary for traditional colonoscopies, recovery often takes patients the rest of the day.
The American Institute for Cancer Research suggests that there are some simple ways to help prevent colon cancer. These easy steps include staying active, understanding portion control, maintaining a high fiber diet and cutting down on processed food, red meat and alcohol.
For questions regarding Greensboro Imaging’s virtual colonoscopies or other services, please contact our office at 336.433.5000 or co/node/111.