3D Mammography

What is a 3D Mammogram?

3D mammography (digital breast tomosynthesis) is an advanced screening procedure to identify breast cancer in its earliest stages, when it’s easiest to treat. This technology offers a more detailed view than traditional mammography and can reveal breast tissue abnormalities well before a patient or physician can feel them.

How does 3D mammography work?

An X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple breast images in a matter of seconds. These images are used to produce a three-dimensional view of your breast tissue in one-millimeter slices. This allows radiologists greater visibility to see details in breast tissue, help find cancers that may have previously been missed and reduce the chance your doctor will call you back unnecessarily.

All of our 3D exams are powered by C-View software, which minimizes radiation exposure and increases detection of invasive breast cancer. A low dose 3D mammography exam is a choice to protect your body from more than breast cancer.

Patient Experiences

Every day, DRI Greensboro strives to ensure patients have the best possible experience before, during and after their exams and procedures. It shows in patient feedback.

From technologist to physician, everyone at The Breast Center was very kind, compassionate and caring. I feel fortunate that I was led there and was given the very best of care. Their commitment and dedication touched me, so much so that I have embraced their vision by establishing a nonprofit organization called Alight, Inc. for Breast Cancer Survivorship. We will work with The Breast Center to offer encouragement and support to the women in our community who must face the life-altering decisions and challenges associated with this horrific disease. And it all started because I personally received such wonderful, compassionate care.
—Mary Jones, Founder of Alight, Inc. for Breast Cancer Survivorship

Submit a story about your experience at DRI Greensboro.

Patient Education

DRI and the Breast Center are committed to quality care, which includes providing accurate information and educational materials to help you understand and make informed decisions about your health.

To prepare for the procedure, a qualified technologist will position your breast on the machine and apply compression from the machine. The compression spreads out the breast tissue to ensure all tissue appears in the mammogram and to avoid hiding potential abnormalities. You should expect to feel pressure from the compression. Women with sensitive breasts may feel discomfort. It is recommended that the exam be scheduled when your breasts are least tender, generally one week after your period. It is best to avoid the week before your period, as breast tissue has increased sensitivity at this point in your cycle.

See below for information on preparing for a mammogram and performing a breast self-exam.

  • How to Prepare for a Mammogram

    How to Prepare for a Mammogram

    • Discuss any new findings or problems in your breasts with your doctor, as well as any prior surgeries, hormone use or family history of breast cancer.
    • Take note of any symptoms you are feeling and describe them to the technologist.
    • Obtain prior mammograms, if possible, for the radiologist to compare with the new images.
    • Obtain prior mammograms, if possible, for the radiologist to compare with the new images.
    • Do not wear deodorant, talcum powder or lotion under your arms or on your breasts on the day of the exam. Often these products can appear on the mammogram and simulate calcium deposits.
    • Before the exam, you will be asked to remove all jewelry and clothing from the waist up. You will be given a gown that opens in the front.
    • If you have breast implants, please let us know when you make your appointment so we can optimize your exam.
  • How to Perform a Breast Self-Exam

    How to Perform a Breast Self-Exam

    A breast self-exam is an important tool in the early detection of breast cancer. Women should examine their breasts regularly, not only to check for abnormalities, but also to gain understanding of how their breasts should normally feel. When you are familiar with your breasts, you are more likely to detect a change in them.

    Your breasts are complex organs that change throughout the month as hormone levels change. They may feel differently at different points in your menstrual cycle, therefore you should perform your breast self-exams at the same time each month. It is best to examine your breasts at a time when they are not tender or filled with fluid. This time varies depending on your life stage. For menstruating women, the last day of your period is ideal. Not only is the breast tissue optimal, but you also have a physical reminder each month to perform your exam. Women who are past menopause or who are pregnant should examine their breasts on the same day each month. Those taking hormone replacements should perform their exams the day they resume taking the medication. Breastfeeding mothers should check each breast when the milk has been expressed.

    Step 1: Lying down

    • Lie down on your back and place a small pillow beneath your right shoulder.
    • Using the tips of the three middle fingers on your left hand, examine your right breast in circular motions.
    • Pressure should range from light to deep, and follow an up and down pattern.
    • Examine the areas above and around your breasts, in your armpit area and around your collarbone.
    • Repeat these steps on your left breast.

    Step 2: In front of your mirror

    While standing, check for visual changes in your breast such as skin puckering, changes in color or texture, bulges, changes in vein patterns or retraction of the skin or nipple. You should examine your breasts in the mirror in four different positions:

    • Arms at your side
    • Arms over your head
    • Your hands on your hips
    • Bent forward with your hands on your hips
    Breast Self-Exam Instructions

Resources & Forms

Patients scheduled for a 3D mammogram screening can find additional resources about the exam by clicking on the video below or reviewing the FAQs.


You can now schedule your screening mammogram by going to https://mychart.conehealth.com

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